When it comes to web application development, a typical project would usually require custom application development. For example: an e-commerce websites would require many functionalities and modules (e.g. registration, log-in, shopping carts, check-out etc.) customized specifically according to unique business requirement.


In this article, we examine the benefits of custom web application development for your future website project:

Tailored to meet specific business requirements

One of the most noticeable benefits comes from custom app development is the “customization”. Instead of offering a one-size-fit-all solution with numerous unnecessary functionalities and modules cater to a wide variety of businesses, custom apps are specifically designed and built to fulfill your unique business requirements.

Thus, businesses are provided with applications that function the way it is intended to operate.  Let's go back to the example of an e-commerce site: the shopping-cart module is designed and function exactly the way you need it to be, in order to match with your overall e-commerce site design style. Additionally, the registration form is designed according to the format with as many mandatory information input fields as required by your businesses and etc. More importantly, you do not have to pay for modules and functionalities that you either do not need and/or cannot use.

Cost effective

At the first glance, custom web application development might seem expensive as it is usually more expensive to build a customized app instead of outright purchase a pre-made software package. And, as mentioned above – with custom application – you do not have to pay for functionalities that you either do not use or need.

Over the long term, custom applications may prove to cost less nevertheless. For example, your business might need to pay extra to have a custom application built that meets all the requirements to enable your company’s sales process efficiently. However, in return, you will save a lot of time by not having to work-around with pre-made software package which does not fully address all your business requirements. With a successfully made custom application, your employees will be able to perform their jobs better and more productively, enhancing overall business value. Moreover, with some pre-made software package, you might have to pay for annual licensing fees. With custom application, you only have to occasionally pay for maintenance costs.


Many businesses such as an e-commerce company would involve handling customers’ sensitive information such as credit card number, personal address, shopping history etc. applying security measures is of utmost importance to ensure customers’ information is protected as well as enable customers to make online payment securely. Without proper security measures, your web application may be vulnerable to malicious attacks, causing system downtime and potentially losing client’s trust.

Another significant benefits of custom application development is that custom apps tend to be more secure than pre-made solutions. A typical pre-made solution that are used by thousands of other businesses might have weak points that are well-known to hackers. With custom built applications, you are provided with the options to choose the level of security as required by business. As mentioned in the example above, if your business need to handle customers’ sensitive information, you can request your web development outsourcing company to apply all the necessary measures, ensuring your web app meeting all the security standards required by law and regulation. Thus, your custom application becomes secure and make it difficult for hackers to attack your system.


A lot of pre-built web applications can only handle up to a limited amount of users request or visits traffic. Once these limits exceeded, companies might need to purchase additional service and/or other applications for their scalability requirements. As a result, this might cause interruption of businesses, down-time, additional expenses, and other myriads of implementations issues.


Custom applications, on the contrary, can be built leaving room to meet the future scalability requirements according to company business plan. This helps newly established company or start-ups creating custom web application which they can scale up to meet the conditions future business expansion, serving large number of users growing just as efficiently.  Scalability is another benefits which makes custom app development attractive for business.


When developing web applications for your business, it is important to ensure that your web app can seamlessly integrate with other required elements such as third party apps. For example, an e-commerce online shopping web app needs to be able to integrate and compatible with third-party payment options (e.g. Paypal, Credit card, E-wallet app, Mobile Payment App etc.).

It is, of course, possible to integrate third-party apps and make them work with pre-made solutions purchased off the shell. However, with custom apps, businesses can generally avoid all the integrations and compatibility issues come with pre-made solutions, saving time and costs. Since custom applications are tailored made specifically according to your specific business requirements, they are built to be compatible with other elements required of your business.

Ease of update and maintenance

Unlike pre-made solutions which are created and updated by the vendor. Custom applications are made and customized for your business, this means they are under your control and can be updated (with advanced technologies such as Machine Learning and Big Data, etc.) or maintained according to your own schedule. This will help companies to avoid downtime causing loss of sales and productivity.


Custom application development is a great choice for businesses as they are tailored made to meet all of your specific business needs. Custom apps are cost-effective and allow businesses to have a more tailored approach to their web development requirements, providing scalability, security, integration capabilities as well as other significant benefits.

TP&P Technology is a leading software development and outsourcing company in Vietnam, we create apps that will help fuel your business growth. Contact us today to know more about our cost-effective custom web app development service.