Why Businesses Need Custom Salesforce Integration

For many organizations, the typical process of setting up their business systems would involve acquiring different software packages according to specific business requirements of company departments. Salesforce, for instance, is a customer relationship management (CRM) system that provides the sales team the ability to manage information regarding their prospects and customers. With its powerful capacities and built-in tools such as dashboards and reports, salesforce enables the sales team to organize information, manage sales leads, and plan sales activity, etc. in a systematic way helping them to achieve their sales target.

Even though Salesforce is a powerful system, organizations still need to depend on other third party software or systems to help support their specific business requirements.

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However, it’s entirely possible to integrate third-party systems with Salesforce even though those systems aren’t native to Salesforce. The result is a more powerful, unified system with extra functionalities assisting employees to do and accomplish their goals. For example, if an enterprise is in the manufacturing industry and sells their products in bulk, it’s very likely that they might have already employed an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to monitor inventory and planning ahead for production schedule, as well as many other functions. Integrating Salesforce with another system such as an ERP one will allow enterprises to benefit from both ERP and Salesforce, even when employees working in a non-Salesforce environment.

Without integration, Salesforce users wouldn’t be able to take full advantage of the information and business tools available in other systems. Thus, it will restrict sales reps from the opportunities to close more deals and dramatically reduce company revenue.


What are the benefits of Salesforce Integration?

These days, many businesses have started to realize the powerful capacity of Salesforce and start to take advantage. The company can utilize the full capacity of Salesforce by integrating it with other systems. This is done in order to increase employees’ productivity as well as to achieve and exceed their business goals.

For example, integrating Salesforce with Facebook enables companies to interact, monitor business relationships, and keep their customers updated with the latest promotion campaign or company news, etc. all carried out via a user’s Salesforce account. In addition, integrate Salesforce with Facebook will provide companies with another effective method to acquire and manage leads through social media channels.

Integrating Salesforce with other systems will provide tremendous benefits to businesses as follow:

  • Overcome information barriers: In order to close sales in this day and age, sales reps need to have immediate access to their customers’ information as well as other necessary information. Delays in access to critical information are unacceptable and might lead to loss of sales. For example, integrate salesforce with the ERP system will provide sales team members an easier way to access important information belonged to other departments such as inventory level and product availability. Thus, sales reps will be able to quickly access, view, or even place a request order of inventory to support their sales activity.
  • Increases productivity. With an integrated salesforce system, teams will have better access to information and tools to deal with their customers faster as well as providing better services to customers. Employees, therefore, will be able to carry out their tasks easier and more productively.
  • Improve team collaboration. Integrating Salesforce with other systems enable businesses to streamline their communication process, keeping various departments using different business systems on the same page. It will also provide access to the same up-to-date information to all departments. More importantly, people from different departments will find it easier to collaborate by sharing information and support one another.
  • Reduce IT training time and cost. As different business systems work together as a unified one, instead of having to train employees to use two (or more) separate systems, the company will only need to train them once. This will help cut down on training time and costs for businesses.
  • Gather better insight from business data. Having access to better data that is relevant to the main focus of their business strategy, employees can produce reports with better-detailed information, which will help them make better decisions based on data insight and take the best actions.
  • Eliminate data entry and remove duplication. Customers’ information might be stored in Salesforce as well as other business systems for different purposes. Integrate Salesforce with other systems will eliminate the repetitive task of data entry by only having to input/update in Salesforce once, all customers' data will be automatically updated and reflected across the system.

In summary:

Salesforce is essential to many businesses because of its many useful tools and features. However, companies also require other systems to meet other specific needs of their business. Operating these all systems separately by themselves would be inefficient and result in an underutilized of enterprise resources as well as limited opportunities for growth. Salesforce integration is a solution that provides numerous benefits to the enterprise which are useful and essential for day to day business activities. System integration enables various departments inside the organization to handle activities in a streamlined way. Consequently, businesses will provide better service and support to their customers.

In addition, integrate Salesforce with other systems will also reduce long-term implementation costs and increases flexibility as well as delivering a great ROI (return on investment).

How can we help businesses with their Salesforce integration requirement?

Salesforce integration is usually a complex process that requires extensive resources, and should only be performed by highly skilled IT professionals with experience handling the systems. Many organizations that are not in the IT business wouldn’t possess the internal resources to integrate their systems. And, because the integration process only takes a certain duration to complete and is not an ongoing one, it wouldn’t be worthwhile to set-up a full-time in-house team to carry out the integration.

Instead, companies usually go for the solution of employing Salesforce integration partners to perform their systems integrations.

With many years of experience working on and managing various projects integrating Salesforce with third-party apps and systems, the TP&P team of Salesforce experts knows what’s typical involved in an integration project, and how to handle unexpected technical challenges that arise in such a project.

Whether it is complex custom Salesforce integration or multi-system integration requirement etc., the TP&P team is always ready and capable of providing your company with the most seamless Salesforce integration solution fulfilling all of your business requirements.

Need help with your Salesforce integration requirement? Contact us today for a free and instant consultation.