Custom AppS Development 8 Must-read Tips to Overcome Challenges

Every day, the count of smartphone users is rapidly increasing, as well as the usage of mobile apps on these devices. Many business owners have already created or are intending to create mobile apps for their businesses. This is evident from the fact that in the last three years alone, a million apps have been submitted to the Apple and Google app stores, highlighting the current high demand for mobile apps.

As a business owner, you may encounter various obstacles that demand substantial research and attention to surmount. To build a bespoke mobile app successfully, you must have a strong focus and clear business objectives.

Selecting the appropriate app development platform

The software you choose must possess the flexibility to build apps compatible with various devices, along with the ability to integrate with SQL and other databases easily. It should also be capable of scalability, enabling the developers to move web apps to hybrid or native apps if required. Data management plays a significant role in any organization, so the chosen platform should allow access to different databases for app design. Additionally, it should integrate with back-end systems, enabling data synchronization between back-end databases, users, and systems.

The platform should be designed considering industry-standard technology to facilitate app development from minimum to no code, allowing for further evolution of the app to meet changing requirements. It's important to be aware of the challenges that might arise during the app development process and learn how to overcome them.

Language barrier

Developers often encounter the obstacle of finances when developing an app. They must accurately estimate the total expenses involved in creating the app and also consider future expenses. This is because app development is not a one-time investment.

If you are not technically proficient, it is essential to conduct thorough market research before selecting an app developer to ensure that you hire the right person for the job. It is important to understand that you are not just looking for a mobile app, but a mobile app that will be successful, so prioritize quality over everything else.


Finding English proficiency among the software development team you hire should not be difficult. Ideally, the team should have members who can both speak and write in English. However, this is not always the case for most companies, especially for employees who are not managers or team leaders. To assess the language proficiency of team members, it's best to directly communicate with them through phone, video call, or email.

Unfortunately, some project managers and developers may take advantage of any language barrier, even if they are proficient in English. This can include pretending to not understand project requirements in order to delay the timeline or to work on the project in their own way.


When it comes to communication, many developers struggle to communicate effectively with their team members. Therefore, it is important to have a skilled and experienced project manager who can ensure smooth communication within the team. This will not only improve communication but also reduce project development time and overall costs. To find the right project manager, look for someone who has experience working on projects similar to yours.

Another issue with communication is the lack of regular and timely discussions. To address this, establish a clear communication process with specific timeframes to ensure consistent communication. Clear communication is essential for meeting project deliverables and should not be assumed to be going smoothly. Therefore, it is important to provide ample input details and examples to facilitate effective communication.


Nothing is worse for your app than a data breach since it compromises your entire business. In the past, securing data was simpler when it was stored on physical servers in an unknown location. However, with the advent of the internet and cloud storage, safeguarding users' sensitive information from being leaked has become increasingly challenging.

To ensure your app's security, there are several steps you can take, including using SSL encryption to encrypt your web platform and the connection between your web server and the user's browser. This encryption helps keep private data confidential, such as credit card information and personal bank account details.

Another security measure is an unwritable file system that makes website code and server configuration un-writable by users. To stay ahead of security risks, it's best to implement all security measures during the app development stage, which will save you trouble in the future if any issues arise.

Changing Business requirements

If the business requirements change frequently based on various people's desires and ideas, the project being developed may never be finished. This can cause delays and increase costs, particularly when creating enterprise software, as the business analyst needs to consider the needs and constraints of numerous stakeholders across multiple departments. This can create conflicting requirements and needs within the organization.

To address this issue, it is important to have detailed discussions with stakeholders and document all requirements. Later, these requirements can be reviewed by the team to identify similarities and contradictions. The key points can then be discussed with stakeholders to agree on one robust requirement. Once a final document is prepared and approved by the team, the development process can begin.

Although this process may be time-consuming and require effort, it ensures a stable and robust system that satisfies all stakeholders.

Integrating with other systems

Software development companies have faced difficulties in integrating various IT systems that operate across different functions, departments, and application stages. The goal of system integration is to enable the retrieval and updating of relevant information in real time on a regular basis.

Certain development firms rely on monolithic systems where all elements such as data input and output, data processing, user interface, and troubleshooting are interconnected. This approach poses a challenge for coding and testing teams when implementing changes.

To address these challenges, enterprises must establish a standard data model to facilitate the successful integration of these systems.

Multitasking by developers on different projects

In-house project managers often face challenges when it comes to rotating staff members while outsourcing custom app development projects. Developers tend to believe that they can effectively manage multiple projects simultaneously, even though this approach is usually inefficient.

To address this issue, it's better to opt for a dedicated team, even though this may seem expensive initially. In the long run, this approach can save you a lot of money.

The reason why people struggle with coding or customer service is due to a lack of concentration. Interruptions during these tasks can result in wasted time. Therefore, choosing a dedicated team that solely focuses on your project without interruption is a better choice.

Mobile App Marketing and promotion

In order to make your mobile app successful, it is crucial to increase its visibility and awareness, and mobile app marketing is the key to achieving this. To gain a strong response from your target audience, it's important for developers to implement a sound marketing strategy.

However, a significant challenge that developers may face is a lack of expertise in areas such as SEO and other online affiliate activities.

To overcome this challenge, the best course of action is to hire a successful creative marketing and advertising agency which can assist developers in aggressively marketing their app and reaching a larger audience.

There is a significant distinction between a good app and a successful app. Although there are numerous apps available on Google and Apple app stores, only a few manage to stand out and survive over time. If an app isn't marketed properly, it won't be long before it disappears. As a result, it's important to invest time and effort into properly marketing your app.

Bottom line

To sum up, undertaking a custom software development project can enhance your business by boosting efficiency, performance, and competitiveness. To ensure the success of a lean software development project, it is crucial to have a proper plan and work collaboratively with the right team. However, challenges such as hidden costs, poor communication, and undefined software requirements can negatively affect the project, particularly if you hire an incompetent software development company.

Software development is a complex process, so it is essential to conduct thorough research before selecting a software development firm. TPP Software is a suitable option for your business's lean software development needs as it employs qualified, skilled, and experienced professionals who provide quality custom application development services to their clients. These experts take into account the client's product vision and industry standards to ensure that the final product increases sales and delivers a remarkable user experience.

Furthermore, TPP Software supports remote teams to enable consistent communication and direct involvement with clients, regardless of their location.